Q: Who and what is WAD-R?
A: WAD-R is short for Writers with A Destiny to Rule.
We are all just a bunch of writers who (usually) get along and write
stories based on the WAD-R universe.
Q: What are WAD-R's characters trying to do?
A: Well, our characters are like this:
WAD-R is a group of social outcasts (well, most of them) who somehow got to a medieval castle in New York. For unknown reasons, this castle used to print newspapers, but was abandoned before WAD-R showed up.
Everyone has a different story of how they got there, most of them very very strange. Anyway, they now use the printing facilities
to produce a newspaper that reveals info on scandals
that the FBI and other groups try to hide. Secret Ops, Assassinations, cover-ups; you name it, they print it.
Of course, most of them are blatant lies (warning: don't tell F�nix). The groups that are "exposed"
are understandably mad at all the publicity, so WAD-R is on their hit list. An organization known
only as "Code G" also seems to have it in for them.
Q: What Do I Need To Join?
A: To join WAD-R, are required to have...
- Aol Instant Messenger and/or AOL. If you do not have AOL and need AIM, you can get it here.
- A healthy imagination.
- The desire to write.
- The ability to check up on WAD-R at least twice a week (this is more for your own benefit, as things can progress rapidly)
Q: How Do I Join?
A: Simple. You...
- Hang around the Press Room for a few days
- Create a character. (We recommended you first read a few stories, then get a character.
- Can not be a lamer.
- You need to be moderately good a writing. Prose and script forms are both welcome.
- You should talk to some of the members of WAD-R
with AIM, or AOL. It makes them feel loved. (contact information is here.
Q: Can You Be Kicked Out?
A: Depends. You can be kicked out if you meet any of the following requirements:
- You are in WAD-R.
- You post a message on the Press Room.
- You are breathing.
Q: How do I get to be liked in WAD-R?
A: That's easy. Just send $500 (US) to Leach. =) Seriously, though,
you just need to write stories, talk a bit, and avoid being a lamer.
Q: What's a "lamer"?
A: Lamer(LA-mur) (slang, from "lame"): n. One who constantly annoys others
on Internet forums. See also: spam, flame, idiot, Hydralisk.
If you have any other questions, post 'em on the Press Room. -Leach